YOUR FOUNDATION WITHIN THE FOUNDATION tailor-made. flexible. effective.
Founder's Event 2024
On 5 September 2024, the Fondation des Fondateurs (FdF) held this year's Founders' Event at the Zunfthaus zur Saffran in Zurich. Once again, numerous founders and interested parties attended.
Three founders briefly presented their foundation funds. The MvS Foundation was presented by founder Martin von Schulthess (the foundation acquires forests in Switzerland and guarantees sustainable management; with this commitment, the foundation aims to make a contribution to the forest of the future). Udo Grünhoff presented the ILANGA Foundation, which supports women and children in Africa, particularly in South Africa, and gives the beneficiaries a chance to break the cycle of poverty and lead a successful and self-determined life. Finally, Christian Häuselmann reported on the Fondation2291 foundation: its aim is to strengthen the long-term thinking and action of people and organisations in Switzerland - across regions, cultures and generations.
During the subsequent exchange of views, the participants discussed what they had heard and shared their experiences, information and suggestions.
Annual Report 2023
The 2023 annual report of the Fondation des Fondateurs is now available on the website. FdF continued to grow, with 68 funds under its umbrella at the end of 2023.
Zurich practice on tax exemption
The President of the Fondation des Fondateurs, Thomas Sprecher, has commented in an article on the latest changes to Zurich's practice on tax exemption. The changes are also of great interest to the umbrella foundation.
Founder's Event 2023 - A colourful meadow of flowers
On 14 September 2023, the Fondation des Fondateurs (FdF) invited numerous founders, interested parties, representatives of banks, law firms and consultancies to the Founders' Event at the Zunfthaus zur Saffran in Zurich.
Thomas Sprecher, President, welcomed the guests and compared the diversity of the foundations under the umbrella of FdF to a colourful meadow of flowers. This metaphor can be applied to the meanwhile more than 70 sub-foundations of the umbrella foundation FdF. There are smaller, larger, vigorously blossoming, hesitantly growing and also retreating foundations. With the variety of different purposes and goals of the individual sub-foundations, a colourful and meaningful bouquet can be presented, which mirrors its impact.
Matthias von Orelli, Executive Director, explained the role of umbrella foundations and their advantages: simple establishment process, flexible structures, relief from administrative tasks and costs.
Liliane Brunner Halbach, President of the Artemis Women's Health Foundation, presented the foundation's activities with a focus on innovations in women's health on a global level. The majority of the guests present were surprised that fundamental gender differences in health care are still largely neglected worldwide.
Stefan Rissi, President of the JTI Global WASH Initiative, presented how the foundation aims to provide one million people with access to drinking water by 2025. The foundation is mainly active in Bangladesh, Mexico, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Indonesia, Morocco and Uzbekistan. In particular, women are given access to clean water and protected toilets.
At the aperitif that followed, there was a lively atmosphere where a lot of information was exchanged and new contacts were made.
Annual Report 2022
The 2022 annual report of the Fondation des Fondateurs is now available on the website. FdF continued to grow in its anniversary year, with 64 funds under its umbrella at the end of 2022.
New Employee
Since 1 June 2023, Margrit Teuscher Bernhard is responsible for administration and finances. We welcome her to the office and look forward to working with her.
Since 1 March 2023, FdF has been entrusted with the secretariat of the independent Alfred Vogt-Foundation
Its founder was a luminary in the field of ophthalmology. The foundation is committed to promoting research in ophthalmology by awarding an annual prize for the best scientific paper. Dedicated members of the Board of Trustees carry on the founding idea. We recently had the pleasure of welcoming the President of the Foundation Board, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wolfensberger, to our office.
Are you looking for an alternative to establishing an independent foundation? With Fondation des Fondateurs you have the right partner. A dependent foundation under the umbrella of Fondation des Fondateurs offers you a flexible and professional structure for your foundation's needs.
Thanks to a strong national and international network, many years of experience and comprehensive expertise within the foundation sector, your funding ideas are in safe hands with us. The benefits: you can fully concentrate on implementing your foundation's purpose, while the management of the umbrella foundation will handle the administrative matters.